
We pioneer innovation (not only thanks to AI) in the Czech market, setting the benchmark for others. And now we also teach it!

Bringing innovation and AI to everyone

Learn, innovate, succeed: Access tested tools, learn from our mistakes, and master specific tasks and AI. While we can't make you an expert innovator or AI master in a few hours, you'll leave with practical tips to enhance your everyday practice.

What we offer

Choose a course that suits you, or have one tailored specifically to your needs. We will adjust the schedule to fit your requirements.

AI minimum

How to use AI in your daily life

AI fundamentally changes the work and lives of a multitude of people, especially those who make their living as "heads". In our training we will explain in an easy-to-understand way what is good to know about AI and introduce the tools and techniques we've tested in our projects.

Duration: 4 hours

Capacity: maximum 10 participants

Date: 19. 9., 26. 9., 31. 10., 21. 11. 2024

Time and venue: from 1 to 5 p.m., Direct People

Price: 3 900 CZK without VAT / participant

Instructor: Filip Valíček and Barbora Neumannová

  • Introduction – what is and how AI works
  • Tools for everyday use – their strengths and weaknesses for working with text and images
  • How to prompt – how to practically get the most out of AI
  • What to watch out for – the safety of working with data and other potential risks
  • Discussion and other resources
  • Understanding how AI works, what it’s good for and what it’s not yet good for
  • A list of the most useful tools and practices
  • Tips and tricks on how to prompt
  • Practical experience and inspiration on how to make your job easier
  • A list of useful resources that are worth following

AI advanced

For those who want to get more out of AI

A deep dive into AI issues. We will focus on the technical aspects of generative AI, including internal use for companies. We will look at advanced prompting methods (e.g. Chain of Thought and Tools of Thought) as well as practical programming modules (using Stack AI, Azure AI studio) and experimenting with AI tools on real projects.

Duration: 4 hours

Capacity: maximum 10 participants

Date: 3. 10., 10. 10., 7. 11. 2024

Time and venue: from 1 to 5 p.m., Direct People

Price: 4 900 CZK without VAT / participant

Instructor: Josef Dvořák and/or Filip Valíček and/or Barbora Neumannová

  • Introduction – brief recap what is and how AI works 
  • Advanced prompting methods – introduction and application of advanced prompting techniques with concrete examples
  • Practical programming modules – introduction and testing of Stack AI and Azure AI Studio
  • Ethics and safety when working with AI – important aspects of ethics and safety when using AI
  • Discussion
  • Resources for further Study 
  • A more detailed understanding of how AI works and what it enables
  • Guidance on how to use advanced prompting techniques to achieve the desired result
  • Hands-on experience with the most widely used tools
  • An overview of useful resources that are worth following.

Automate and modernise HR with AI

How to use AI in recruitment, retention and employee development

AI is increasingly changing the HR landscape and the way HR professionals work. Thanks to this trend, you can save a sea of time by automating routine tasks, giving you more time for strategic tasks or your own self-development. We'll teach you to think quite differently about organizing your work, give you practical practices and introduce you to the best existing tools.

Duration: 4 hours

Capacity: maximum 10 participants

Date: 24. 10. 2024

Time and venue: from 1 to 5 p.m., Direct People

Price: 3 900 CZK without VAT / participant

Instructor: Josef Dvořák and/or Filip Valíček and/or Barbora Neumannová

  • Introduction – what is and how AI works
  • How to get the most out of AI – prompting based on real-life scenarios
  • The best tools for everyday use – what to use in employer branding, onboarding, EX, retention, etc.
  • What to watch out for – data security and other potential risks
  • Practical exercises – how to solve the most interesting use cases for HR with AI
  • Discussion and other resources
  • Understanding how AI works, what it’s good for and what it’s not yet good for
  • A list of the most useful tools and practices
  • Tips and tricks on how to (un)prompt
  • Practical experience and inspiration on how to make your job as a recruiter easier
  • A list of useful resources that are worth following

How to sell more with AI

Greater efficiency of business activities not only in B2B

AI can save you a lot of time by automating everyday tasks, giving you more capacity for strategic tasks or personal client care. We'll teach you to think quite differently about organizing your work, impart practical practices, and introduce you to the best existing tools

Duration: 4 hours

Capacity: maximum 10 participants

Date: 17. 10. 2024

Time and venue: from 1 to 5 p.m., Direct People

Price: 3 900 CZK without VAT / participant

Instructor: Josef Dvořák and/or Filip Valíček and/or Barbora Neumannová 

  • Introduction – what is and how AI works
  • How to get the most out of AI – prompting based on real-life scenarios
  • The best tools for everyday use – what to use for leadgen, understanding customer needs, automating processes or communication.
  • What to watch out for – data security and other potential risks
  • Hands-on exercises – try solving the most interesting use cases for business with AI
  • Discussion and other resources
  • Understanding how AI works, what it’s good for and what it’s not yet good for
  • A list of the most useful tools and practices for business
  • Tips and tricks on how to (un)prompt
  • Practical experience and inspiration on how to make your job as a marketer easier
  • A list of useful resources that are worth following

AI adoption in companies

How the biggest players use AI in practice

Some companies are still waiting, others are actively using AI. We will show you specific examples of AI use in the largest Czech companies. We will reveal where AI has the greatest benefit and where it doesn't make much sense yet. Learn from those who invest the most in AI and are furthest along in its implementation.

Duration: 4 hours

Capacity: for whole teams only

Date: according to agreement with the client

Price: contact us, depends on the number of people and requirements

Instructor: Josef Dvořák and/or Filip Valíček and/or Barbora Neumannová

  • Introduction to AI –briefly and clearly what AI is and how it works
  • How to prompt for advanced or how to get the best result from AI by querying correctly
  • Tools you need to know
  • Safety first – what to watch out for and how not to use AI
  • Try it for yourself – hands-on exercises and interactive output evaluation
  • Case studies: what those who have already started and adopted AI have found out for you
  • Ten rules for implementing AI in your company
  • Discussion
  • Understanding how AI works, what it’s good for and what it’s not yet good for
  • A list of the most useful tools and practices
  • Lots of inspiration from elsewhere – what to follow and what to avoid
  • How to implement AI in your company
  • An overview of the barriers and most common obstacles in companies

AI course for management

How to bring AI into your business and attune employees to it

How to work with AI in your company and how to teach your employees how to use it and increase the efficiency of their work without reducing its quality? Come to our course where we will show you, among other things, how market leaders are already working with AI and how they are struggling with adoption in other companies.

Duration: 4 hours

Capacity: for whole teams only

Date: according to agreement with the client

Price: contact us, depends on the number of people and requirements

Instructor: Josef Dvořák and/or Filip Valíček and/or Barbora Neumannová 

  • Introduction – what generative AI is and is not, how it is created, how it works, what it is and is not suitable for
  • How to use genAI in the most beneficial way – a practical exercise on basic prompting techniques based on real-life scenarios (according to the client’s brief)
  • Examples of the most common uses of genAI in companies – examples of specific applications and uses of genAI from other companies from real projects
  • Legal, security and other essential aspects of using genAI in companies – licensing terms, data privacy, security, cloud vs on premise, HW, pricing, regulation
  • Adoption and governance of AI in companies – implementation strategies and most common barriers
  • Discussion and conclusion of the course
  • Understanding how generative AI works, what it’s good for and what it’s not (yet)
  • Inspiration on how other companies are implementing AI
  • Advice on how to set up an AI culture in your company and continuously educate your employees
  • Insight into what companies are struggling with when adopting AI and how who is tackling it

Introduction to HCD

How to make the most from human-centered design

How to make successful products and services, minimise the risk of investing in innovation and make decisions based on evidence, not assumptions. For all those who create new things, no matter for whom.

Duration: 8 hours

Capacity: maximum for 10 participants

Date: 12. 9., 14. 11. 2024

Time and venue: from 9 5 p.m., Direct People

Price: 5 900 CZK without VAT / participant

Instructor: Michaela Stránská and/or Petra Kalousková

  • Principles – what is Human-centered design and what are the principles behind most innovation methodologies
  • Process – how to properly formulate the brief and plan the entire process to the outcome
  • Empathy – gaining customer understanding and how to conduct conversations
  • Opportunities – how to uncover and articulate needs and where to focus
  • Ideas – techniques on how to quickly generate a large number of radically different ideas
  • Prototyping – how to quickly and inexpensively test the functionality of a solution
  • Understanding why it makes sense to innovate with HCD
  • Hands-on experience of the whole process through an example
  • Feedback at points where you are unsure
  • Materials that can be used at each stage on your own projects

How to turn idea into a business model

Lean Canvas in practice

How to bring your idea, product or startup to life and find a working business model for it. A practical, multi-project and Ash Maurya-tested guide to increase your potential to succeed.

Duration: 4 hours

Capacity: for whole teams only

Date: according to agreement with the client

Price: contact us, depends on the number of people and requirements

Instructor: Tomáš Bartl

Recommended preparation before the course – filling in the Lean Canvas of the existing/planned product.


  • Introduction – business model vs. business plan, alternatives to Lean Canvas and basic procedure for working with it
  • Leaner Canvas – problem and target segment tuning
  • Business model – consistency of proposition, solution and relevant path to customers given the pricing model
  • Sustainability of the model – viability of the model and measurement of its functionality
  • Validation – ways to verify the model
  • You will try out the process of how to work with Lean Canvas
  • A checklist on how to spot potential problems in the model
  • Lots of insights and stories from our innovation practice

Experimentation as a way out of uncertainty

Learn by making mistakes, but not expensive ones.

How to spot blind alleys, or gain confidence that you're going the right way? Experiment at every stage of product development. We'll teach you the basic Ashe Maurya techniques that you can start using immediately.

Duration: 4 hours

Capacity: for whole teams only

Date: according to agreement with the client

Price: contact us, depends on the number of people and requirements

Instructor: Tomáš Bartl 

  • Introduction – principles and process of experimentation
  • Defining assumptions – how to formulate and prioritise them
  • Types of experiments – for the most common assumptions, examples of experiments from our projects
  • Verification management – defining test parameters, metrics and minimum success criteria
  • Checklist of well-defined assumptions and experiments
  • Overview of experiments of varying degrees of complexity and informational value
  • Knowledge of how to foster a culture of experimentation and maintain direction when things go wrong
  • Hands-on experience with the entire experiment from prototype design to evaluation

From action to traction

Principles of successfully bringing products and services to market.

How to ensure that your startup, product or service thrives? How to do the right things at the right time and get to your goal as efficiently as possible? A practical workshop focusing on the different stages of development for all leaders where you will get a clear roadmap for successful traction and scaling of your startup, product or service.

Duration: 4 hours

Capacity: for whole teams only

Date: according to agreement with the client

Price: contact us, depends on the number of people and requirements

Instructor: Petr Šídlo and/or Josef Dvořák

  • Discovering Purchasable Demand – Verifying Market Needs, Importance of Willingness to Pay (WTP)
  • Raising first capital – pre-seed strategy
    Building the minimum viable product (MVP) and testing it in the market
  • Acquiring first customers – the importance of scalability and traction and how to present it to investors
  • Growth and expansion – product and process optimization, development strategies and planning for broader market expansion
  • Team building – recruiting talent and developing team infrastructure
  • A brief guide for each stage of startup development
  • Case studies and real-life examples of successes and failures
  • Tools and strategies for building traction and scaling your business

Customized course

Discover a personalized learning experience tailored to your interests. Contact us today, and let's create a customized course just for you.

Do you need advice on which course is the right one for you? Want more information about team courses and price?

Why choose us

Get more for less

If you decide to complete at least three of our courses, you will receive a 30% discount. And it's worth it.

We are flexible 

The courses take place either at our location or at your place. Depending on the agreement and the number of participants.

Learn from the best

Draw on the years of experience of the Academy's instructors and apply our decisions and practices to your own projects.

Meet the experts behind our courses

Petr Šídlo

Petr started out in IT, but since he didn't want to do projects in a drawer, he started an innovation company. In 13 years of existence, the company has completed more than 650 projects and is the oldest of its kind on the domestic market. Petr led hundreds of successful projects, has built a number of startups, and changed the lives of many companies thanks to the innovation culture he helped establish in them. He is a mentor and a certified trainer of the LeanStack methodology.

Josef Dvořák

Josef has extensive experience in healthcare innovation and introducing AI (applications) into companies. At Direct People, he led a project for Linet, which resulted in an alarm system that is now successfully sold in 34 markets worldwide, including the USA. Pepa is an innovator in mind and body, a conqueror of new territories and an expert in AI and other technologies.

Tomáš Bartl

Our Chief Innovation Methodologist, strategist, and innovation leader, who has been building products and services at Direct People for almost ten years. Tomáš is strict and follows methodologies and insights from respondents. And one more thing. Everyone is surprised by how he thinks. The most common reaction when meeting Tomáš? Why didn't I think of that too...

Michaela Stránská

Míša has been training since the first days she joined us. She has led workshops for Social Impact Award participants and has delivered numerous training sessions for clients. Thanks to her experience on projects for LMC, Anect, Česká spořitelna and Kooperativa, she can pass on practical tips and advice, both in the field of HCD and innovation culture and innovation management.

Petra Kalousková

Petra loves listening to people's stories and discovering their unspoken needs. She studied sociology at Charles University and has extensive experience in research, innovation and training. She is very good at using research results to create products and services that truly meet customer needs.

Filip Valíček

An AI enthusiast with a pro-business mindset. As an innovation designer, his projects focused on helping small and medium-sized businesses. His strengths include tracking technology trends and the ability to customize training to target audiences.

What participants say about the Academy

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Have you made your choice? Write to us

Fill in the required data with your choice of course and date. If you didn't find what you were looking for or are interested in a different course/topic/date, please contact us. Together we will work something out.

Billing Information

Are you in hurry? Give us a call or send us a message directly

+420 724 048 808


Our courses are not based on theory but on years of practical experience. We have completed numerous projects, which means we have a wealth of examples of both good and bad practices. We are skilled trainers because we have been doing it for over a decade. We don’t come to train you in what we’ve read on the internet but to pass on the best of what we ourselves have been using for years. Our training will be conducted by our most experienced partners and senior project leaders.

We are flexible. Get in touch with us, and we’ll figure something out.

For innovation managers, team leaders, business owners, product managers in large companies responsible for new products/services. These courses will also be beneficial for team leaders, senior employees in large companies expected to have a positive impact on improvement, as well as departments where innovation is not the primary focus of work, such as IT, operations, customer care, and others. Our courses are for people with an open mind who are not afraid to do things differently and engage in completely different tasks.

Yes, beginner-innovators are welcome, and the courses will be interesting for you, although they are primarily designed for more senior professionals.

Yes, Direct Academy is open to individuals and groups. The ideal maximum number is around 10 people. If your team is larger, the training can be divided or customized for more people.

Use the form above, leave us your contact details, and we will get back to you. If you’re in a hurry, you can use the contact information provided on the website – email:, phone: +420 724 048 808.

Yes, if you order at least 3 courses, you will receive a 30% discount. Unfortunately, we do not offer group discounts. The price is set as low as possible to cover our organizational costs. We are not a training agency that relies on training as its primary source of income, but innovators who want to educate the market and spread the idea that it makes sense to create products and services that are beneficial to both customers and investors.

After finalizing the details, we will send you an advance invoice, which should be paid before the course takes place. If your company does not allow this, we will find an alternative approach.

All courses are conducted in Czech, but we can also provide training in English upon request.

If you notify us 48 hours before the course, you can reschedule it to another date or choose a different training for free. It is also possible to send a replacement. If you inform us less than 48 hours before the start of the course, the course fee will be forfeited.

If you are interested in further education, we can arrange an individual program. We are open to additional formats and courses that delve into greater detail.

Unfortunately, no. Each of our courses is unique, and the content is co-created by the participants, so we would have to record every course separately. Additionally, the information shared during the course may be sensitive for participants. Therefore, we always ask participants to keep the information they hear during the course confidential. However, after the course is completed, participants will receive the presentation and materials used during the course.