Agility represents the ability to quickly react to changes and new information, adapt and continuously improve possible solutions. It is extremely important in leading our projects and it’s one of the methodologies that we have been working with...
12. annual Project Management Conference is fast approaching. We couldn’t miss it and so this year we decided to prepare twice the load of information, insights and approaches to leadership. Because there is no one right way to lead your...
#WeAre10. 10 years ago Michal Kalousek and Petr Šídlo decided to bring an entirely new type of business to the Czech Republic and founded the first innovation agency here. Since then Direct People has grown by two more partners – Ondřej...
Despite quarantine Kooperativa has successfully launched its health and social infoline Maják on July 1. It is the first product coming from a team tasked with designing new, meaningful and modern products and services for seniors. Maják is the...
It has been 10 years since Michal Kalousek and Petr Šídlo decided to establish Direct People. 2020 should have been the year of celebrations. We had a grand party planned for May. But things took a different turn. So since we couldn’t celebrate...
Světoznámý inovátor Ash Maurya přijel v březnu do Prahy, aby proškolil celý náš tým ve své metodice Lean Stack. Jeho rozhovor pro E15 ale vychází až nyní (díky korono…). Proč je covid unikátní spouštěcí moment, která...
Není otázkou jestli, ale kdy se stane událost se zásadním negativním dopadem na životy lidí. Jakmile přijde, objeví se hlasy, že se to mohlo předpokládat. V aktuální situaci s koronavirem takové hlasy měly pravdu. O tom, že svět...
Few weeks ago we wouldn’t even think about having to lead an entire HCD (Human-Centered Design) project in an online mode. Past the initial shock (ours and clients’) and much speculation on how to go about it, we jumped straight into online...
It’s still too early to assess the impact of COVID. However, for me personally it’s interesting to watch what’s happening on the market. Such an amount of business pivots (changes to business models) has never been experienced by any economy...
O inovacích věděl svého času Jára Cimrman hodně v tom dobrém i zlém. Byl sopkou, která svou činností zasypávala sama sebe, pionýrem slepých uliček, a tím, kdo přicházel na patentový úřad vždy pozdě. Veličina času je u...
8+2 UX tips from new corona times e-shops The current situation caught many off-line retailers off-guard. In reaction to the quarantine, more than 300 new e-shops are being launched every week with a single goal – to at least partially...
“Speed of learning is the new unfair advantage.” In early March this quote opened our three-day training by Ash Maurya, the founder of Lean Stack, at our Direct People office. At the time it sounded like a good catchphrase. They often sound much...
We entered the age of postponing. Coronavirus pandemy restricted not only our social life but just life in general. We are forced to move many of our needs and hobbies indefinitely – be it a drink with friends or a bank appointment. But what...
(Prague) – Innovation agency Direct People has grown its team of partners. In January, Josef Dvořák, who has been with the company for four years, became a new partner. At the same time he took a new position of Innovation Delivery Director...
Platformu Zdravotnictví (v) budoucnosti jsme založili na podzim 2019. Je to projekt s cílem hledat chytrá řešení a nové příležitosti a společně tak posouvat české zdravotnictví odspodu skrze byznys a inovace. V únoru se všech...
We started the new year with Inovační jednohubky (=Innovation canapés) number 12, aptly titled Future of urban mobility. It’s trends, sustainability, availability and effectiveness was discussed by Petr Tomčík, director of ROPID (Regional...
V září 2019 jsme spustili iniciativu s nemalým cílem – měnit a posouvat společně české zdravotnictví odspodu. Nečekat pouze na to, co udělá vláda nebo jak situaci ovlivní ti nejsilnější hráči, ale spojit síly a skrze...