Third year, third edition. That’s the fact and the reason is obvious. Circular economy is picking up speed every year. That’s why we, together with our partners from INCIEN, JIC, Impact Hub and Cyrkl, prepared the third testimony about circular...
Světoznámý inovátor Ash Maurya přijel v březnu do Prahy, aby proškolil celý náš tým ve své metodice Lean Stack. Jeho rozhovor pro E15 ale vychází až nyní (díky korono…). Proč je covid unikátní spouštěcí moment, která...
Není otázkou jestli, ale kdy se stane událost se zásadním negativním dopadem na životy lidí. Jakmile přijde, objeví se hlasy, že se to mohlo předpokládat. V aktuální situaci s koronavirem takové hlasy měly pravdu. O tom, že svět...
It’s still too early to assess the impact of COVID. However, for me personally it’s interesting to watch what’s happening on the market. Such an amount of business pivots (changes to business models) has never been experienced by any economy...
O inovacích věděl svého času Jára Cimrman hodně v tom dobrém i zlém. Byl sopkou, která svou činností zasypávala sama sebe, pionýrem slepých uliček, a tím, kdo přicházel na patentový úřad vždy pozdě. Veličina času je u...
(Prague) – Innovation agency Direct People has grown its team of partners. In January, Josef Dvořák, who has been with the company for four years, became a new partner. At the same time he took a new position of Innovation Delivery Director...
November issue of Forbes features innovation special – 40 pages of inspiring stories and the most innovative ideas from the Czech Republic and abroad. And us! Read the article based on an interview with Michal Kalousek, Petr Šídlo and...
Pharmacies – a place linked to health unlike any other, where most of us go more often than to see a doctor. An important player in the healthcare system. That is why we asked Daniel Horak, CEO of Dr. Max, the largest network of pharmacies in...
Imagine a world where your company is simultaneously capable of reducing costs, making better use of its existing equipment, becoming a “love brand” for its enthusiastic clients, earning more money and on top of all that contributing to better...