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6. 5. 2019 CZ  | EN

Sazka launches a new campaign to promote its loyalty club

Who wouldn’t want to win a million CZK in May? Sazka has just launched its new campaign – Májový Milion (=May Million) – to promote its loyalty club. Throughout the month it offers its members an opportunity to win money as well as...

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1. 11. 2018 CZ  | EN
12. 11. 2018 - 17. 11. 2018

Entrepreneurship Week 2018

Entrepreneurship and innovation. You cannot have one without the other. That is the reason why we have partnered with Entrepreneurship Week CZ – the largest nationwide event in support of entrepreneurs – for the second time in a row. This...

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10. 8. 2018 CZ  | EN

Publication of the first unique study on the Circular Economy

Direct People and the Institute for the Circular Economy have published the first study ever on the circular economy in the Czech...

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25. 7. 2018 CZ  | EN

Innovation starts not with an idea, but with the search for an idea

Problem: a long commute to work shortens your life and has a negative impact on your sex life. Solution: innovative application Work Around the Corner with half a million users. In a unique interview, the partners of Direct People – Michal...

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21. 5. 2018 CZ  | EN
4. 6. 2018

Inovační jednohubky – Circular Economy

Lower costs, increase profits and save the planet in the process. The jubilee 10th Direct People’s Inovační jednohubky (=canapés) focused on the theme of the Circular Economy – a theme that should shake the world and the Czech Republic, but...

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9. 11. 2017 CZ  | EN

Meet Petr Šídlo, Direct People Partner and CCO

A manager who has innovation in his DNA. An interview with one of the founders of Direct People – Petr Šídlo – on the beginning of his business, the natural naivety of innovations, the most common mistakes, change for the better and the golden...

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1. 11. 2017 CZ  | EN
15. 11. 2017

Entrepreneurship Week 2017

Entrepreneurship Week is here again. Shall we start something...

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19. 6. 2017 CZ  | EN

Czech scientists don’t know how to sell their work, says “technology scout” Navrátil

Jiří Navrátil, the director of scientific technologies at Direct People, on his role as a mediator between science and business, which has no parallels in the Czech Republic. From his doctorate in physical chemistry and biophysics to business...

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