O inovacích věděl svého času Jára Cimrman hodně v tom dobrém i zlém. Byl sopkou, která svou činností zasypávala sama sebe, pionýrem slepých uliček, a tím, kdo přicházel na patentový úřad vždy pozdě. Veličina času je u...
8+2 UX tips from new corona times e-shops The current situation caught many off-line retailers off-guard. In reaction to the quarantine, more than 300 new e-shops are being launched every week with a single goal – to at least partially...
“Speed of learning is the new unfair advantage.” In early March this quote opened our three-day training by Ash Maurya, the founder of Lean Stack, at our Direct People office. At the time it sounded like a good catchphrase. They often sound much...
Platformu Zdravotnictví (v) budoucnosti jsme založili na podzim 2019. Je to projekt s cílem hledat chytrá řešení a nové příležitosti a společně tak posouvat české zdravotnictví odspodu skrze byznys a inovace. V únoru se všech...
We started the new year with Inovační jednohubky (=Innovation canapés) number 12, aptly titled Future of urban mobility. It’s trends, sustainability, availability and effectiveness was discussed by Petr Tomčík, director of ROPID (Regional...
V září 2019 jsme spustili iniciativu s nemalým cílem – měnit a posouvat společně české zdravotnictví odspodu. Nečekat pouze na to, co udělá vláda nebo jak situaci ovlivní ti nejsilnější hráči, ale spojit síly a skrze...
November issue of Forbes features innovation special – 40 pages of inspiring stories and the most innovative ideas from the Czech Republic and abroad. And us! Read the article based on an interview with Michal Kalousek, Petr Šídlo and...
Red Bull Basement Hatch has arrived in Prague. It thus sets off a very first Red Bull event that brings together innovators, creatives, hackers, makers, simply anyone who cares about how tomorrow will look like and is not afraid to change it. On...
Have you ever thought and speculated about how Direct People actually works? Well, here is your answer. Our CEO Michal Kalousek sat down for an interview with E15 Daily to talk about how he understands innovations, what was the beginning of Direct...
And there it is – Circular Czechia 2! On Tuesday October 8 – as part of our conference Czech Republic as a circular hotspot at the International Engineering Fair – we have launched the second edition of our successful study...
Brno here we come! We are gearing up to the 61. Annual International Engineering Fair – the most significant industrial fair in Central Europe. It will be held October 7-10 at Brno Exhibition Center. One of this year’s key topics is the...
Satisfied patient, happy doctor. What? This phrase sounds absurd to anyone who had recently anything to do with the Czech healthcare system. In fact it is all stress, no money and no hospitality. That is a more accurate description of reality, be it...
Directly to the point with Zbyněk Frolík, Jan Purkrábek and Martin Wagner. Inovační jednohubky (meaning innovative canapés) brought together interesting personalities. Besides our guest speakers Zbyněk Frolík and Martin Wagner, we have also...
It launches a new digital platform SafetyMonitor on the European market and is ready to take on the US with it. We were there and we are proud of it. In cooperation with us LINET, the third largest producer of hospital and nursing beds in the...
Education, data and technology – Holy Trinity of the future of healthcare. That is what Zbyněk Frolík and Martin Wagner agreed on at Direct People’s 11th Inovační jednohubky (meaning innovative canapes). This time the topic was The...
Zdravotnictví je složitý organismus, proto zde platí víc hlav víc ví. Zveme vás do prostoru, ve kterém se můžete inspirovat novými myšlenkami a postupy, hledat spojence pro své projekty, sledovat inovace v nejrůznějších...
Our inovační jednohubky (innovative canapés) series is back. This time on a topic that concerns all of us – What is next for health services and how to use it for business? Inspirational meeting and discussion with Zbyněk Frolík and...
Innovating something that works? Nonsense! That is why we have become a partner to Innovation Week, the biggest Czech event in support of innovations , for the third time in a row. This year it takes place from 20th to 26th May across the Czech...