In just 10 days, the largest conference connecting business and UX, CX, and innovation will take place. And we’ll be there! Are you a professional looking to take your career to the next level? X4B offers the best opportunity to gain a deeper...
It’s home! Wednesday December 8 2021 was the final DEMO DAY of the 4DigitalHealth Accelerator by EIT Health, which focuses on European startups in the field of healthcare digitalization. Our project with VR Medical, famously presented by Anton...
Entrepreneurial ideas arise virtually all the time. Some of them are good, some of them are not so good, but many of them are great, and they also have the scope and ambition to change the world, or at least part of it. However, innovation practice...
Od začátku roku máme v Direct People řadu novinek, a tak se chceme s vámi podělit. Přečtěte si náš newsletter, kde se dozvíte třeba o našem úspěšném projektu s Mastercard, našem prvním inovačním kurzu na Seduu nebo o našich...
Digitalization can be a bad master or a good servant. It all depends on how we approach it. And in healthcare this is particularly...
SafetyPort is a unique digital platform that we’ve been working on with LINET for three years now. And since January, this platform has also been helping to fight covid 19 in the US. The first of many planned SafetyPort systems was implemented...
Druhá koncentrovaná dávka novinek Direct People na jednom místě alias...
Third year, third edition. That’s the fact and the reason is obvious. Circular economy is picking up speed every year. That’s why we, together with our partners from INCIEN, JIC, Impact Hub and Cyrkl, prepared the third testimony about circular...
Agility represents the ability to quickly react to changes and new information, adapt and continuously improve possible solutions. It is extremely important in leading our projects and it’s one of the methodologies that we have been working with...
12. annual Project Management Conference is fast approaching. We couldn’t miss it and so this year we decided to prepare twice the load of information, insights and approaches to leadership. Because there is no one right way to lead your...
#WeAre10. 10 years ago Michal Kalousek and Petr Šídlo decided to bring an entirely new type of business to the Czech Republic and founded the first innovation agency here. Since then Direct People has grown by two more partners – Ondřej...
Despite quarantine Kooperativa has successfully launched its health and social infoline Maják on July 1. It is the first product coming from a team tasked with designing new, meaningful and modern products and services for seniors. Maják is the...
It has been 10 years since Michal Kalousek and Petr Šídlo decided to establish Direct People. 2020 should have been the year of celebrations. We had a grand party planned for May. But things took a different turn. So since we couldn’t celebrate...
Světoznámý inovátor Ash Maurya přijel v březnu do Prahy, aby proškolil celý náš tým ve své metodice Lean Stack. Jeho rozhovor pro E15 ale vychází až nyní (díky korono…). Proč je covid unikátní spouštěcí moment, která...
It’s still too early to assess the impact of COVID. However, for me personally it’s interesting to watch what’s happening on the market. Such an amount of business pivots (changes to business models) has never been experienced by any economy...
“Speed of learning is the new unfair advantage.” In early March this quote opened our three-day training by Ash Maurya, the founder of Lean Stack, at our Direct People office. At the time it sounded like a good catchphrase. They often sound much...
We entered the age of postponing. Coronavirus pandemy restricted not only our social life but just life in general. We are forced to move many of our needs and hobbies indefinitely – be it a drink with friends or a bank appointment. But what...