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7. 4. 2021 CZ  | EN

Aplas helps to digitalize Czech healthcare

Digitalization can be a bad master or a good servant. It all depends on how we approach it. And in healthcare this is particularly...

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1. 12. 2020 CZ  | EN

Circular Czechia take three! Download our new publication

Third year, third edition. That’s the fact and the reason is obvious. Circular economy is picking up speed every year. That’s why we, together with our partners from INCIEN, JIC, Impact Hub and Cyrkl, prepared the third testimony about circular...

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7. 7. 2020

Víc věcí si předplácíme než kupujeme, říká Ash Maurya

Světoznámý inovátor Ash Maurya přijel v březnu do Prahy, aby proškolil celý náš tým ve své metodice Lean Stack. Jeho rozhovor pro E15 ale vychází až nyní (díky korono…). Proč je covid unikátní spouštěcí moment, která...

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28. 5. 2020

Příprava na budoucnost, která nepřijde

Není otázkou jestli, ale kdy se stane událost se zásadním negativním dopadem na životy lidí. Jakmile přijde, objeví se hlasy, že se to mohlo předpokládat. V aktuální situaci s koronavirem takové hlasy měly pravdu. O tom, že svět...

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18. 5. 2020 CZ  | EN

“I see great opportunities whose potential will touch the stars” or are at least worth exploring.

It’s still too early to assess the impact of COVID. However, for me personally it’s interesting to watch what’s happening on the market. Such an amount of business pivots (changes to business models) has never been experienced by any economy...

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7. 5. 2020

„Teď, teď tu byl…!“ Jára Cimrman přicházel s vynálezy vždy jako druhý. V designu produktů to však může být výhoda

O inovacích věděl svého času Jára Cimrman hodně v tom dobrém i zlém. Byl sopkou, která svou činností zasypávala sama sebe, pionýrem slepých uliček, a tím, kdo přicházel na patentový úřad vždy pozdě. Veličina času je u...

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29. 4. 2020 CZ  | EN

From zero to hero. Or digital customers.

8+2 UX tips from new corona times e-shops The current situation caught many off-line retailers off-guard. In reaction to the quarantine, more than 300 new e-shops are being launched every week with a single goal – to at least partially...

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15. 4. 2020 CZ  | EN

Unfair advantage in times of a pandemic? Speed of learning

“Speed of learning is the new unfair advantage.” In early March this quote opened our three-day training by Ash Maurya, the founder of Lean Stack, at our Direct People office. At the time it sounded like a good catchphrase. They often sound much...

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30. 3. 2020 CZ  | EN

When it’s over, companies working in services won’t be able to keep up. Unless they change.

We entered the age of postponing. Coronavirus pandemy restricted not only our social life but just life in general. We are forced to move many of our needs and hobbies indefinitely – be it a drink with friends or a bank appointment. But what...

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27. 2. 2020 CZ  | EN

Josef Dvořák becomes a new partner in Direct People

(Prague) – Innovation agency Direct People has grown its team of partners. In January, Josef Dvořák, who has been with the company for four years, became a new partner. At the same time he took a new position of Innovation Delivery Director...

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26. 11. 2019 CZ  | EN

We will do it for you

November issue of Forbes features innovation special – 40 pages of inspiring stories and the most innovative ideas from the Czech Republic and abroad. And us! Read the article based on an interview with Michal Kalousek, Petr Šídlo and...

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16. 10. 2019 CZ  | EN

Some innovations are like overseas discoveries, says Michal Kalousek from Direct People

Have you ever thought and speculated about how Direct People actually works? Well, here is your answer. Our CEO Michal Kalousek sat down for an interview with E15 Daily to talk about how he understands innovations, what was the beginning of Direct...

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29. 8. 2019 CZ  | EN

What now or what awaits the Czech healthcare

Satisfied patient, happy doctor. What? This phrase sounds absurd to anyone who had recently anything to do with the Czech healthcare system. In fact it is all stress, no money and no hospitality. That is a more accurate description of reality, be it...

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21. 8. 2019 CZ  | EN

LINET enters the digital business

It launches a new digital platform SafetyMonitor on the European market and is ready to take on the US with it.   We were there and we are proud of it. In cooperation with us LINET, the third largest producer of hospital and nursing beds in the...

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21. 8. 2019 CZ  | EN

Pharmacies will take over some parts of primary care, says CEO of Dr. Max pharmacies

Pharmacies – a place linked to health unlike any other, where most of us go more often than to see a doctor. An important player in the healthcare system. That is why we asked Daniel Horak, CEO of Dr. Max, the largest network of pharmacies in...

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26. 10. 2018 CZ  | EN

Do not fear the circular economy – there is a solution to every problem

Imagine a world where your company is simultaneously capable of reducing costs, making better use of its existing equipment, becoming a “love brand” for its enthusiastic clients, earning more money and on top of all that contributing to better...

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14. 8. 2018 CZ  | EN
6. 9. 2018 - 7. 9. 2018

Future Port Prague 2018

Future Port Prague is back. Come and take part in our...

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25. 2. 2018 CZ  | EN
7. 3. 2018

Ramez Naam workshop

Come to a workshop of an international format with us and prepare for the (near)...

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