Our work

Take a closer look at our innovation stories.

CARE Czech Republic

The platform “Pro Podnikavé” improves lives of small entrepreneurs

Micro and small entrepreneurs make up about 99% of active businesses in the Czech Republic and employ up to half of the employees. They are the heroes of our economy and sometimes they do not have it easy. That’s why Mastercard Strive™ Czechia has created the Pro Podnikavé online platform to bring small improvements to small businesses to make big things happen. What role did we play in this?


Building global digital business for LINET

Our cooperation with LINET started back in 2018 with the development and launch of the SafetyMonitor digital platform. In the upcoming four years, the partnership has grown considerably. We were temporarily responsible for building a new Smart Solutions segment – LINET’s global digital division, its business results and a flexible handover to the emerging internal team, which we continue to support. 


Assistance service Maják+ give you a helping hand in hard times

An unexpected event, a health complication or stressful and mentally demanding circumstances. Sometimes it can just be too much for each of us. The most vulnerable group are seniors, for whom the complex services and information have long been missing from the Czech market. And that’s what Kooperativa insurance company, together with us, decided to change.

Česká spořitelna

How to adult: Personal finance for the real world

The aim of our project with Česká spořitelna was to teach young people to walk in the world of finance and help them become independent adults. We have found out that Generation Z is often postponing the resolution of their financial affairs and sometimes do not even know what options are available. At the same time, however, they have dreams and wishes that they could fulfill thanks to gaining control over their revenues and expenses.


App that conquered the job market

Lot of work, not enough people. Companies are now looking for ways to attract employees who are not even seeking jobs and make them consider change. This was the beginning of our cooperation with LMC, a company running the two biggest Czech online job portals – Prace.cz and Jobs.cz.

VR Medical

VR changing the way healthcare is delivered

VR is a technology with huge potential to change fields. VR Medical and the Jufa investment group together with us therefore decided to look for ways to use virtual reality in healthcare for the benefit of patients, medical staff and / or medical device manufacturers. And so far it turns out that we are on the right track.


Our clients